Jan 10, 2011
Cinematographer Sean Kirby shot the surreal film Police
Beat, about an African-born bicycle cop encounters strange and
mysterious situations on his police beat in urban Seattle.
In 2007, he re-teamed with writer/director team Robinson
Devor and Charles
Mudede and realized the controversial documentary Zoo about the life of an Enumclaw, Washington man who
died as a result of an unusual encounter with a horse.
Some of his later credits include: Lovely
Still, an emotionally moving holiday fable that tells the story
of an elderly man discovering love for the first time, Against the Current, about a man, struggling with a
tragic past, with an urgent calling who enlists two friends to help
him swim the length of the Hudson River, starring Joseph Fiennes,
and The Tillman Story, a documentary on the story of
Pat Tillman.