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Oct 23, 2011

We discussed a variety of unique film festivals that play around the US and around the world.

This includes traveling short film festivals, traveling niche or novelty film festivals, and animation festivals.

While only scratching the surface, we hope to give an insight into the great depth of film programming available locally and globally, and to remind you to keep an eye out in case one of these festivals or films heads to a cinema near you.

The film festivals discussed on the show include:

Traveling Short Film Festivals:

The Manhattan Short Film Festival, The Oscar Shorts, Tres Court (Very Short), Short Short Story Film Festival

Niche and Novetlty Film Festivals:

Bicycle Film Festival, REEL Rock Film Tour, Wild and Scenic Film Festival, Found Footage Festival, Free Range Film Festival, United Film Festivals

Animation Film Festivals traveling:

Spike and Mike Festival(s) of Animation, The Animation Show, Animation Block Party, Ottawa Film Fest, Tricky Women, Womanimation!

Not Touring Animation Festivals:

Annecy, Animafest Zagreb (Trickfilm), Anima Mundi (Brazil), Red Stick