Aug 26, 2015
Luke spent his early days in feature film
assisting legendary editor Jill
Bilcock on Moulin Rouge.
Luke has previously shot and edited
previsualisation on Baz Luhrman's Australia
and George Lucas' Star Wars:
Episode III.
Luke has also directed films, including the short
film Miracle Fish, which garnered him an...
Aug 19, 2015
Eugene has worked on many projects for Spike Lee,
Scorsese, and Ang Lee over the years. He has also worked
on films for Jim Jarmusch, The Coen
Brothers, John Sayles, and Lee
Eugene was nominated for an Oscar in the
category Best Sound for the film Gangs of New
York and he won an Oscar for Best Sound...
Aug 12, 2015
Born in Sydney, Australia, Ross learned his early craft with his
documentary maker father with an early career working on
documentary films in Africa, Asia and South
Ross' early documentary work progressed to
feature film work as first an AC then operator on many high profile
projects and working with...
Aug 5, 2015
As a film director, Barry co-directed the Oscar nominated
documentary film The War at Home in
Some of Barry's other film directing credits include
Who's Tommy, the Amazing Journey, the feature film Winning Girls
Through Psychic Mind Control, and the documentary Sidewalk.
As a film editor, Barry has...